Building a Stronger Green Future

Explore the latest in sustainable, low-carbon technology with our cutting-edge, low-carbon solutions.

CO2 Emissions
- %
- %
Tensile & compressive strength
+ %
Supporting Subheading


  • Financial: 
    • Costs
      • Energy cost of manufacturing Portland cement concrete is rising  
      • Expensive & more frequent maintenance – Portland Cement Concrete is susceptible to staining, moulding issues, surface damage and potholes – It is not very porous and therefore water can be easily trapped inside which deteriorates the material quickly and easily. 
  • Application & Operational:
    • Time inefficient 
      • Project and construction speed limited by time required for material to set properly. 
      • Formwork required for casting and moulding in order to hold in place until it hardens – this slows the whole process. 
    • Strength & durability issues
      • Structure built using Portland cement only last a few decades vs 2,000 years
      • Easy for Portland cement concrete to chip and crack as it has weak tensile strength – needs extra reinforced support to avoid cracking
      • Long structures joints are required if there is a large temperature variance area 
      • Drying shrinkage and moisture expansion causes cracks – need joints to help avoid issue
    • Structural Integrity issues; 
      • Shape changes and bends when exposed to long periods of sustained load pressure – causes structure deformation
  • Environmental:
    • Sustainability issues:
      • Amount of Carbon emitted in production 
      • Energy Required to manufacture

Service One

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Service Two

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Service Three

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Service Four

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Remove and Reduce Carbon emissions through carbon capture and application.


Meet Environmental Agency Schemes, avoid fines and carbon credit benefits 


Capacity to build more & at a much quicker rate due to the extremely rapid setting time.


Multi Applications & Uses: Dune sand / Graphene…


Innovative construction materials for a greener world

Contact us to learn more about how you can make a difference.